The hemp gummies I buy are wrapped up so tightly in so many different ways, you’d think you can only get them with a prescription. My prescriptions, however, come in very easy-to-open bottles. Go figure.
Just watched on , and I’m reminded how much I enjoy the horror genre as long as the films have because so much of that stuff is visual these days.
The smoke alarm finally stopped beeping, but now everything feels off because I’d gotten so used to it chirping every few secods.
Changeling has done most of the groundwork for moving Mastodon instances. Will finish everything else tomorrow.
I am moving my Mastodon to I will configure the redirect shortly, but you can follow now.
I will be switching Mastodon instances soon. I will let everyone know when it happens and where to follow.
Changeling warns you that there are texts coming from several different numbers claiming to be from ATT that thank you for paying your bill and offer a gift. Changeling is quite sure these are fake.
Changeling is finally okay with removing Toot! from their phone and just using Metatext for their Mastodon client.
Accidentally left South Park Changeling accidentally left South Park streaming all night, so their dreams made fun of society and taught valuable lessons at the same time.