After trying it over and over, I am unable to replicate any set of directions that will let me enable to read menu feature on MK11. However, since it only reads the menu and not the tutorial, and since my success in playing will be reliant on the directional audio, I’ve decided to stop fixating on that one feature and just play the game.
Does anyone happen to know the sequence of steps one needs to perform to enable the read menus feature on ? Can you say you’re asking for a friend when you’re your friend?
Mortal kombat 11 has been the hardest install for me with Steam thus far. I had to use the JAWS cursor just to agree to the license and complete the install process.
I am happy to report that Jackbox Party Pack 5 on Steam is useable if you rely on a screen reader with the OCR feature… Just don’t spend 30 minutes thinking that doesn’t work before discovering you need to maximize your window… True story.
Opened up Chrome this morning, and discovered the automatic feature is now available in stable Chrome.
When you read an article and want to share it, but the article’s on a platform that doesn’t support and . Looking at you creators who use Medium.
I remember when mouse emulation was a concept that I responded to with, That’s cool, but when would I actually use it? It’s now a tool I use daily.
For those of you following it, bookmarking it, etc., there is now a page that has links to all chapters in the Changeling’s Guide to for #ScreenReaderUsers series. Find it at