Replied to The Girl on the Train by Erynn Brook (

This post is a twitter thread I wrote today.
I’m waiting on kitty ultrasound results and trying to distract myself a little bit so I’d like to tell you a story about something that happened last night, in the hopes that I can process my feelings around it.
I met a girl on the train last night.

The other day, I got disoriented at an intersection I cross on a daily basis because of some new meds. Similar to the author of this post, two people made sure I got across the street and back on familiar ground, which was all I needed, so it went just fine. On a different occasion, however, someone had the cops because I got lost in a snowbank, and they thought I was under the influence. Long story short, it caused me way more grief than I signed up for when I stepped out of my apartment that day. The lesson here is a powerful one, folks.